Response to KMS Letter

Submitted by Linda Boilegh

I have to speak out in support of KMS and the Toronto School system. I have had the privilege of having been in contact with three school districts in Jefferson County, along with the Jefferson County School of Bright Promise. My daughter started her school career in the Indian Creek School district and then when we bought our home in Empire, she attended Edison and graduated from there. They also have their good and bad points. My youngest son went to Knoxville Elementary and before we purchased our home in Toronto, he was opened enrolled here for 2 years. He has been accepted into the school system. As with all facets of social life there are ups and downs. I found that he has done much better in the Toronto System than he did in the Edison System. The teachers seem to really care for the students. Sure the students have there arguments but I have found that if the parents stay out of it the children will work it out. I also am quick to try and find out both sides of the story before blaming an entire town.
As I mentioned our oldest attends the Jeffco Training Center, and I have had no trouble with the people in Toronto, not accepting him. I am sorry for what happened to the girl but possibly we here on this letter page are not getting both sides of the story.

Kid will be kids and fight they will, but usually if left alone they will resolve their problems.

Not everone in society likes everyone else, even though the government thinks they can make us all get along.

Hope that this letter does not offend anyone.

Linda Boilegh

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