Why This War?
Why Now?


Since the beginning of the first Gulf War, there has been a lot of speculation over why we are so fixated on this region of the world. Most opponents of the first war seemed to feel that the war was based in oil rights. After all, the president at that time had a large personal stake in oil production, as did many members of his cabinet. In fact, today there is a group actually called “No Blood for Oil” who opposes this war on just those grounds again. Personally, I don’t think the war has anything to do with oil.

W. pays lip service to the need for cheaper oil, perhaps even to the point of distracting away from his real objectives ‘ whatever they may be. However, his one recent domestic opportunity to see one of his supposed pet projects (drilling in the Alaskan refuge) went down in congress without so much as a whimper heard from the man-in-charge. So I do not think that oil is his main concern in the middle east.

But still we have to ask, why this war? At first, we were told that it was because Hussein was in violation of sanctions put on him by the UN. We were told that he was defying the international community, and had to be stopped. But the international community (in the form of their governing body, the UN) decided that they did not want to stop him. At that point, we had to come up with a new reason. So the UN was again asked to create a new resolution, one that defined what Hussein had to do and that threatened action if he refused. Unfortunately, it failed to provide a time line or to define what that action would be.

Further, the resolution (1441) spelled out specific objectives that no leader of any nation would ever agree to. Had Hussein met all requirements, he would have left his country with no means of defense in an unstable region of the world. So the resolution was obviously a smoke screen to justify military action. Unfortunately for Bush, it failed in that objective as well. Absent the timeline, governments such as France and Germany saw no need to enact the necessary resolution permitting war. Yet we went to war anyway.

Of course, none of this is news. I only present it in the way of background toward a conclusion.

Without the UN justification, Bush had to find a new justification for the hostilities. Fortunately for him, Hussein had supplied him with two. Hussein had probable ties to terrorists, and he had committed atrocities against his own people several years ago. Of course, the fact that many other countries also harbor terrorists and also commit regular human rights violations was completely disregarded. In fact, several of these similar-to-Iraq governments are in what is being called “The Coalition of the Willing.”

So since the UN’s violated treaty isn’t the reason, and since the despotic rule of Hussein isn’t the reason, and since the fact that some terrorists train in Iraq isn’t the reason, what is the reason (the real reason) for this war? Well, I don’t have an answer. I do however, have some food for thought.

Bear with me here. I’m going off topic.

Around the year 1100, Pope Urban II launched the Crusades into the holy land. The main tactical objective was the capture of the holy city of Jerusalem from the Muslim’s who then held it. Once it was taken, several orders of knight/monks were established. The most famous of these was the Templars, so named because their base of operations was the old site of King Herod’s temple. For ten years they were an obscure faction at best; then suddenly they emerged as one of the most wealthy and powerful of groups in the known world (second only to the Vatican.) They maintained that power for several hundred years when finally political changes of climate forced them underground. A group of them went to Scotland. (Another group supposedly came to the as yet “undiscovered” Americas, but that is really off topic.)

In Scotland, they built a replica of Herod’s temple on a site which is today known as Roslyn Chapel (though it isn’t a chapel at all.) It is speculated that something of value was found in Herod’s temple and that some or all of it is now buried beneath Roslyn. We don’t know for sure because excavation is not allowed either there or on the old site of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem.

Now, what is interesting to note is that the nine founding knights who began the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon (the Templars) were nearly all related to or associated with relations of the St. Clairs (who own the site of Roslyn chapel) or to the royal house of Flanders.

Both groups trace their genealogy back to Charlemain. Charlemain, at one time, married a princess of the Morovingian dynasty in order to lend credibility to his reign. The Morovingians (or descendants of King Morovee) claimed decent from the bloodline of Jesus. More on that later. For now, suffice to say that speculation abounds that the Templars knew what they were looking for when they went to Jerusalem because the secret had been passed down within their families from generation to generation.

What is significant to note now is that it is speculated that the Bush family can also trace their lineage back to Charlemain (and therefore to the Morovingians.)

If it is true that Bush is a descendent of Morovee, it follows that the secrets of the family have passed on to him as well. But what has this to do with Iraq? Well, I’ll tell you.

The earliest known civilization is ancient Sumer. It is known to have been founded 5500 years ago in the “fertile crescent” of the valley of the Tigres and the Euphraties rivers. The Sumerians had the earliest religion, and that religion was also the basis for the religion of Pharaonic Egypt. The Egyptian civilization was relatively benign until the influx of a sect which has come to be called the Hebrews. Whether the Hebrews came bringing war and lost finding themselves enslaved by the Egyptians, or whether the Egyptians conquered the Hebrews and enslaved them is unknown. But some time later, a member of the Egyptian royal family known as Moses led a revolt and took the Hebrews to the site of what is now known as Jerusalem (where they promptly slew the indigenous Cananites, but that is off topic too.)

Once in Jerusalem, the Hebrews established their own form of monarchy. Solomon, one of the earliest kings, built a temple where he (theoretically) hid something very important. The Talmud/Old Testament gives one historic account of what happened from here on. At one point, a priesthood was established to match the kingship. Effectively, this priesthood (a legacy for the family of a man named Levi) split political power with the kingly line of David.

Years later, a Levite woman named Mary wed a Davidic man named Joseph, and the two branches of power had a common heir. Well, actually two heirs. Jesus had a brother named James who some speculate was meant to share the pillars of priestly and kingly power with his brother. However, Jesus was crucified, and James was killed some time later while trying to establish his church.

But what of Mary the Magdalene? Theory holds that she fled across the Mediterranean bearing a child that was the heir of either James or his better known brother. Now I’m not interested in committing a sacrilege against this country’s largest organized religion, so for the sake of argument, let’s say that it was James’ baby.

The child would still be of both Davidic and Levite origin, and he would have been heir to any title Jesus held as well as James’ title. As would his offspring. If that line included Morovee, it would also include the Merovingian princess who married Charlemain and any of their progeny up to and including G.W. Bush. Theoretically, our president may well believe that he is the new messiah.

Now, what is it that Solomon placed in the temple? I have no idea. But suppose that it is only part of a larger prize. Where would the rest of that prize be? Let’s backtrack.

Solomon probably got whatever it was that he hid in his temple in a direct line from Moses. Moses probably got it from the Pharaoh of Egypt. It probably came with the Pharaohs from Sumer, so it stands to reason that any other pieces would still be in Sumer.

So where exactly was ancient Sumer? Well, as I’ve already said, it was in the valleys of the Tigres and Euphrates rivers. The site of modern Baghdad.

So why this war? Simple. George W. Bush intends to reclaim his birthright and fulfill the centuries old dream of his family. He hopes to establish the New World Order.

Now, you may ask if I actually believe all of this rubbish. Of course I don’t. But it makes as much sense as the rest of the justifications and rationalizations we are filling our minds with. This war was unprovoked. That is the only thing I know for certain.

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